Listen: Bob Corritore Teams Up with Francine Reed and Duke Robillard for New Single ‘I Guess I’m a Fool’February 7, 2025
John Doe Trio Releases Third Blues Album ‘JD III,’ a Masterpiece of Triumph and TurmoilFebruary 6, 2025
News Harvelle's, Oldest Blues Club in L.A., to Become Non-ProfitBy Matt MarshallDecember 3, 20131 The oldest blues club in Los Angeles, dating back to 1931, is now going to be what is likely the first blues club in the world to become a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit.
Events "Service Your Soul" — An Invitation To Open Your Heart And Be The ChangeBy Jon SiembiedaAugust 19, 20132 Tuesday nights at Harvelle’s in Santa Monica are what the blues is truly all about. An incredible program for a serious cause.