Interviews In Tune With Sari Schorr – She Talks Robin Trower, Songwriting, and VolunteerismBy Bill GrahamDecember 19, 20230 Sari Schorr discusses new album with Robin Trower, plus her approach to songwriting and social activism.
Videos Exclusive Video Premiere: Sari Schorr Chases Dreams on ‘Back to LA’By American Blues Scene StaffJanuary 21, 20220 “I was inspired to produce the “Back To LA” video to portray that longing to return to a life left behind.”
Videos Video Premiere – Sari Schorr ‘Turn The Radio On’By American Blues Scene StaffFebruary 19, 20210 “I’m inspired by my audience. Being grounded from touring has been a crushing blow. It’s pushed me to reinvent the way I share my work.”