“How’mi’mentuh” is the fourth in a series of Jed Potts & the Hillman Hunters singles focusing exclusively on original material. What hits the listener immediately are Jed’s vocal delivery and aspects of guitar strumming which have an authentic retro vibe rooted in the American blues of the 1950s, including the slight distortions.
Few UK blues musicians are able to capture this down home sound especially the current breed of young guns, the difference being that this trio is completely immersed in pure blues. They are also experimental with Potts setting out to replicate what could be boogie piano on his magic axe.

As a consummate storyteller, “How’mi’mentuh” is the perfect platform for Jed’s fictional narrative set in New Orleans and he does manage to emulate that memorable Professor Longhair style. Americans will soon learn that “How’mi’mentuh” needs translating from Jed’s native tongue into How am I meant to which is a key phrase in this song especially given the woman troubles.
Watching these fine young talented bluesmen perform live from a front row seat confirms their passion, ear for detail and respect for the genre. Soulful, reflective lyrics, crisp and intricate guitar work and flowing rhythms add a unique flavor whilst retaining an authentic vibe.
Of the making of the video, Jed tells ABS:
Recently we had the opportunity to perform many of the songs from our current run of singles in a cool, unique location — thanks to my cousin and his classic car business. After so long not being able to gig, it was a real release for us to be able to perform these new songs. Even if we were just playing for each other and the cameras. So please check-out this performance of our latest single, “How’mi’mentuh”. Even if you don’t like us it’s worth a look just for the cars!